YLC Assists

YLC Assists

YLC Assists is for the young professional looking to directly give back through community partnerships and volunteer initiatives.

Project Leaders

For more information, email ylcassists@ylcnola.org

Mary Claire Kramer

Austyn Malynn

Hands-On Community Impact

Once a month and primarily over the weekends, YLC Assists brings together young professionals with other local non-profit organizations providing a hands-on opportunity for you to give your time to support and uplift the mission of other groups doing good in the city. It’s the perfect chance for you to engage and network with fellow peers and invest invaluable moments in service. 

Our Initiatives

The service spectrum of YLC Assists is both diverse and meaningful. Every initiative is a step towards a better New Orleans, from hands-on beautification endeavors to heartwarming acts of preparing and serving meals to less fortunate neighbors and even stepping up to rebuild homes, the service projects are endless.

Help Out When You Can 

We value every minute you offer. With a typical YLC Assists project ranging from 3 to 4 hours, you can commit to how frequently you want to be involved. YLC Assists doesn't have a set participation bar, providing more flexibility on which events you can sign up for and fully commit your time to helping out at.

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